Pour le second jour, nous commençons, comme la majorité des personnes qui sont au VMworld, par assister à la General Session: une v-Keynote.
Jean-Pierre Brulard - Vice-président et directeur général, Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique (EMEA) - commence la session en annonçant que nous sommes 10 000 présents… …
Read More- Nous y voilà. Le premier jour au VMworld à Barcelone commence par une visite... et après une rapide estimations, la conclusion que nous avons est que c'est grand, très grand! Comme le Lundi est orienté "Partners", il y a encore peu de monde et peu de conférences. Petit retour sur les premières confs auquelles …
Read More Il faut une première fois à toute chose et dans environ 3 jours, j'aurais la chance de participer à mon premier VMworld! Je serais accompagné de 2 collègues du Groupe SII (Merci SII au passage!): Antoine et Jeremy.
Forcément, nous le savons déjà, nos planning de sessions sont bien trop chargés pour tenir sur la durée: …
Read MoreThe vRealize Automation REST API can be used on vRealize Orchestrator directly with the
plugin, instead of using theHTTP-REST
plugin, which can be much more simplier.Get the vRA REST endpoint
If you have already used the vRealize Automation REST API, you should have noticed that there is around twenty …
Read MoreAs an exception, I will post this article in French only as its subject is the French VMUG edition. Sorry for english speaking people.
Aujourd'hui avait lieu la reboot-edition du VMUG France dans les (tout neufs!) locaux parisiens d'OVH.
L'événènement est à présent orchestré (et bien orchestré!) par Noham Medyouni …
Read MoreVMware vCloud Director – Change SSL certificates
The following procedure is a self-reminder of How-To replace the certificates of a VMware vCloud Director deployment.
Prepare informations
Here is a configuration sample for a single cell deployment. Change settings according to your needs:
If you are using multi-cells deployment, I stronlgy recommend you to extend …
Read MoreVMware vRealize orchestrator package diff python tool
I have recently published a draft tool to provide a table-formated diff of two vRealize Orchestrator packages.
Project is available on GitHub project and will evolve in futur to support more package item's types and to provide better information about differences.
Sample of output
Installation …
Read MoreAnsible is a well known software to automates software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. In concrete terms, it's possible to manage infrastructure deployment and configuration during life cycle from sets of configuration files.
In the following post, I will try to explain how to use it …
Read MoreIn a previous post, I've already talk about an issue occuring in a lab environment with vCSA 6.5u0 and PSC appliance : VCSA or PSC appliance won't boot after hard shutdown.
As the issue became more regular with time, I tried to figure out the root cause of those events.
As system's logs reports SCSI timeout on write …
Read MoreWhen you install a VMware vCloud Director instance, it comes with an embedded JRE (Java Runtime Environment). For example, vCloud Director includes JRE 1.8.0_121 :
1$VCLOUD_HOME/jre/bin/java -version 2java version "1.8.0_121" 3Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_121-b13) 4Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server …
Read More