Switch to Clarity UI light theme
As you could notice (if you don't use an RSS tool to read this blog): there is a new UI theme based on the Clarity Design System.
To compare before/after:

This decision was strongly motivated by the new HTML5-powered interface of vCSA 6.5 & 6.7. This new VMware vCenter UI is also based (as many of others VMware's products) on this open-source design system initiated by VMware and is very enjoyable to use on a daily basis (especially, with the Dark theme from @BeryJu!).
Clraity UI is a mix of UX guidelines, HTML/CSS framework, and Angular components to build web user interface with responsive features, a moderne look and accessibility best-practices. There is a very good documentation available to start using it on your project and it contains reference guides for all available components.
Finally, I whant to thank @codyde for his post blog Redesigning My Blog With ClarityUI that deeply help me to proceed the change.